
The idea of a ‘new normal’ that includes schooling and working from home demands a re-think of domestic space design. The At Home with Children study aimed to understand what constituted ‘liveable’ domestic space for families with children under pandemic conditions. Throughout the study we were documenting different expressions of spatial resilience and the ways the family home was re-imagined, used and altered in order to allow all family members and activities to co-exist.  

As part of this exploration, the study also examined the role of domestic space in alleviating and/or exacerbating the psychological and social impacts of COVID-19 on children and young people, as experienced by families. 

We learned from families’ experiences in order to a) share good practice with other families for immediate, direct impact b) inform policy-makers and housing professionals about where to target resources for short-medium term impact and c) test and inform domestic design guidance and space standards for long-term impact.  

The study provides an evidence-based framework that we use to evaluate current domestic standards for new housing in the UK. Over the life course of this study we disseminated proposed spatial interventions that could alleviate the psychological and social impacts of any enforced proximities that can create conflicts in the home. Policy recommendations relevant across both England and Scotland, for national government, local authority and housing providers are proposed. A series of generalizable 'Home Hacks' alongside the diverse ideas generated through the At Home with Children social media community, forms the basis of the 'Home Hack Liveability Toolkit'. You can read more HERE